13 April 2009

an easy way to get money from your own blog

one way the dollar is most easily on the Internet is a way to sell links. With the link you just have to do is register, provide a price for your blog, and wait to install advertiser links on your blog. Results and cash payment blog, will be sent to your paypal account

Okay, there are some on the internet site providers sell to buy a link, and you can sign up there. Among them are:

1. TLA (Text Link Ads), the TLA in this difficult approve.

2. Backlinks.com, I did not receive a backlink this blog does not receive the free alias blog that still has a name behind blogspot or wordpress.

3. Ask2link, This will I study.

Ask2link site is the sale and purchase link which is very easy. If you have a blog, you can become a member on the Ask2link. How is your blog's PageRank 1, alexa rank its still fall apart, or still in the free hosting blogspot or wordpress, so it's not a problem.

You need to do, of course, register your blog and do the bidding price of the links on your blog that you will sell.

Indeed, it the better grade you blog, you can bid more expensive. For example, his blog that the PageRank of 7 will be more expensive than a blog with PageRank 1. But it is to follow the Ask2link Alexa rank you are in the position over 2 millions and a minimum PageRank 1. No other problems

In fact, based on the email I received before, now Ask2link does not provide the minimum payout for its member. This means, regardless of the money you generate, you can request payment directly to your Paypal account.

If you want to register Click Here

04 April 2009

Cleaning Business Pricing Guide - Estimating and Quoting For Success

When it comes to pricing a residential or commercial cleaning job it is important to hit the mark accurately with a fair price. In this article we will look at a method for accurately estimating prices for cleaning jobs and offer some tips for quoting prices to customers.

Quoting a price too low means leaving money on the table and wasting an opportunity to profit. By offering to clean at a price level that is barely profitable you will be damaging the cleaning industry overall in your area and you will find it difficult to raise prices to a profitable level in the future. Trying to win customers by pricing low is clearly a bad strategy for getting started in the cleaning business.

Quoting too high means that you will often be declined by customers and may miss out on jobs unless your customers perceive that they will be getting above average quality services from you. Having an established brand that your prospects are familiar with is one way to be able to price higher than the market average. The other way is by offering truly unique services or having a highly effective sales strategy.

The best way to estimate a price is to firstly come up with an approximation of how long it will take to complete the job. Make a thorough inspection of the building in question, break the job down into the various tasks and then calculate the total time that it will take you or one of your workers to complete.

The next step is to take your time estimation and multiply it by a fair hourly rate to calculate the total labor cost for the job. Don't forget to include traveling time.

A small allowance can then be added on for job related expenses such as cleaning products, transport costs and equipment expenses.

You should then add on another small allowance that can be put towards your monthly fixed costs such as rent, insurance and marketing costs. You can come up with a suitable figure by taking your total monthly overheads and dividing this by the average number of cleaning jobs that you do and month.

You will then have arrived at a figure that represents your total costs for the job. Finally, you can add on a suitable amount of profit and then you will have the total quote amount that you can put forward to the client.

When you are starting out you can compare your quotes to what your competitors would charge for a similar job to make sure that you are reasonably close to fair value for your services.

Don't forget that the first time you do a cleaning job you will probably spend a lot longer then you will on subsequent visits. After you have cleaned the property once you will then have it in reasonable condition and you will be familiar with it. Many cleaning business operators charge an additional fee for the first visit and you can consider doing so on a case-by-case basis, depending on the state of the property in question.

If you are pricing by the hour you should never let your customer know this. If you have quoted them for a three-hour job and they catch you leaving after two hours, then they may feel cheated. Quote a price for completing the job rather than an hourly rate if you can get away with it.

Price estimation in the cleaning business, or any service business for that matter takes time and skill to get right. Successful cleaning business operators start off with a good pricing system and then try to constantly perfect this system over time.

Find a Job Online - Beware of the Online Job Search Feedback Loop

Have you ever noticed that when you are trying to find a job online you tend to come across the same job list in a bunch of different places? This is due to something that I have started referring to as the online job feedback loop. It is especially apparent when you add a geographic term to a job. For example if you search for sales director Houston, a job description that likely only has a few openings right now, your search results will look like there are hundreds of jobs for a sales director in Houston.

This starts when a company posts a real, high paying, job for a sales director in Houston. So we have one real job. Then the recruiters in the area notice that a local company has a job and so they post the same job, with a little modification, on the big job boards like monster or hot jobs in the hopes of grabbing good candidates before they apply directly to the company. Then the top scraper companies like indeed and ehired scrape the jobs off the job boards and post them on their sites. Then there are a whole bunch of companies that add to their sites (in order to increase their advertising revenues) by posting local jobs on their sites. Then there are the second tier scrapers that post the jobs pretending that they are theirs.

Suddenly when you search for sales director jobs in Houston you get hundreds or even thousands of hits and it looks like there is a huge market for sales directors in Houston. The problem is that there isn't a huge market. If you base your job search on the perception that there are a lot of jobs you are misleading yourself and making bad choices. Worse, if you apply to several of these different postings you are wasting your time chasing ghosts.

This problem gets even worse when online job search companies (who shall remain nameless for now) make up jobs in order to get candidates to their sites to sell subscriptions or resume services or mailing lists etc. If you know what you are looking for you can start to see these made up jobs. They typically look like high paying jobs with good titles in specific geographic areas with very generic requirements. These phantom jobs have the same feedback path, getting picked up, copied, reposted, etc. until even if there are no jobs in that specific category in that geographic area, when people search for them they find a lot of high paying jobs.

So how do you avoid this? When you look at job postings you need to ask yourself two questions. 1) Is this job real? 2) Is this the same as a job I have already seen?

Is the job real? If it is, then there will be a local company that has the job posted on their web site. Look at key phrases in the job description, and a location if it is specified, and then Google search for those key phrases and a description. If the job is real then you should be able to find the actual job description at the company. You also may have better luck applying directly to the company than working through a recruiter.

Is this the same job as a previous posting? Start the same way, look at key phrases and see if they are the same. You should have a good sense of what is going on in your local area and so if you are searching for the same kind of jobs you should think about them in terms of their descriptions. If the description sounds familiar look back at the jobs you have looked at in the past and see if they really line up. If so, don't waste your time.

This feedback loop that you run into while trying to find a high paying job online is something that you should be aware of in order not to make bad choices or waste time while trying to find a job.

To Get a Job You Need a Plan - Do You Have One?

The employment market today is tough and about to get tougher. The standard means of getting a job are usually not enough, even when times are not tough. As the former CEO of a very successful career consulting firm, with a placement record of over 99%, I can tell you what you are doing isn't nearly enough and how you are doing it isn't nearly good enough.

We always had to start with the clients attitude and you should start with yours. Just how much are you prepared to alter your current lifestyle to get a job? Will you pull up your roots and move, for instance. Would you go from an office job to one where you spend a majority of the day outdoors? Are you willing to completely change your career track? Would the prospect of having to leave you family for lengthy periods of time be acceptable? These are questions that need to be answered, most often with your family's input, before you can even begin to look at the vast job marketplace that lies before you. How much are you and your family willing to change, if necessary, to find a good job? Once you have those questions answered you can begin to identify your job market.

The next step is to assess your current situation. Having a little money coming in is better than having no money coming in so maybe a temporary job is called for. If so, my first bit of advice is to swallow your pride. It makes no difference if you were an executive fairly high up on the food chain or a janitor in an automotive plant, what you are now is unemployed, and you need to take any job offered that can bring in a little money. Keep in mind that the playing field has been leveled and the janitor is now competing for the same entry level job you are. If you are married and your spouse has a better chance of landing a temporary job than you stay at home and let him or her go to work.

The reason I am suggesting this is that there is nothing more depressing than sitting at home thinking about your troubles and not having a thing to do. Some people will suggest you do busy work around the house, or volunteer at some non-profit simply to avoid that situation. Don't fall into that trap. Your one and only concern should be to develop income, any kind of income. If you do so you have just taken the first step to getting back to where you want to be. If you did what I suggested previously about a career plan you already have a goal, albeit it a rather hazy one. That's fine, a hazy goal is better than no goal at all.

While you are applying the financial band-aid of temporary, maybe even humiliating employment, you now have some major research to do. How do you identify your job market? Where and what are the companies you need to contact in order to reach the holy grail of job seekers, the employment interview? The information you seek can be found in either Standard and Poors or Dun and Bradstreet directories, both to found on line or in your public library. Start with page one and read what they have to offer very carefully. Using their codes, learn to isolate those companies that tie in with your experience. It doesn't have to be a close fit just similar in nature. What you will find is the nature of the company, a list of their executives and a lot of other information that might or might not be valuable. What you need to do is to make a list of the pertinent information, names, addresses, telephone numbers plus anything else that might be valuable for a contact.

This is the time to think about your job market. Is it worldwide, national, regional, local? The smaller your market the less chance you have of getting an interview. I once had a client that absolutely did not want to live in the midwest. My advice to him was to not turn down a job he hadn't been offered. It turned out he did interview with a midwestern company and found out they were going to open a plant in California and that's why they wanted to talk to him. And he was hired. My advice to you is the same I gave him - don't turn down a job you haven't been offered and keep your market as large as you can.

When I said that you had a lot of research ahead of you I meant it. You will eventually end up with a list of potential employers and their top executives. You might be asking yourself how many do I need? Our clients were mandated to compile a list of a minimum of 500 companies and you should do the same. Personally, in these times, I would recommend at least 750. Now you have a job market!

This is probably the time to dispense with some employment myths. The first is the belief that you have to go through the human resource person because that's company policy. If you're trying to get an entry level position that might be true. But if you have some substantial experience, especially on the executive or sales level, don't even think about it. You need to communicate with the ultimate decision-maker and that ain't the human resource manager. You may ultimately end up in their office but it should be because their boss suggested it. Another reason to avoid this office is that in times of high unemployment, the poor soul may be getting a thousand resumes a day across their desk. Do you really want to be number 722 of those resumes and do you really think yours will be read?

Before the days of the internet and e-mail, if you really wanted to communicate with someone you called or wrote them a personal letter. Not a form letter, a personal letter, written to them and especially for them. Perhaps a little antiquated but effective. So, what you are going to do, after you have compiled your "hit list" of companies, is to compose a letter, one page only, about you and why you are writing. Now think about this. If you want to impress someone, a potential date for instance, you really need to resort to a little bragging. You certainly don't need to point out all you bad points, if you have any. So think about the most impressive of your accomplishments while you were employed and give a one or two sentence review. For instance, "while working in the sales force of ABC Company I increased sales in my territory over 50% in less than a year". Your accomplishment can be small or large just so it's an accomplishment. If you can't think of any, don't be discouraged, just skip that part of the letter.

Your letter will be accompanied by your resume - another huge pitfall in the world of employment. We always developed the resumes for our clients but you can do your own just as well. First, no more than a page and a half. Second, list the names and addresses of your last 3-4 employers and describe what they did - no more. No endless litany of your duties and responsibilities, just your job title and dates of employment. People reading your resume are not interested in what you did for someone else, they are interested in what you can do for them.

Next list every single transferable skill you can think of under, what else, transferable skills. Every computer skill including every bit of software you have worked with, all management skills, people skills, mechanical skills if they apply. These skills are what the person reading your resume is buying. This is the time to tell you never, ever lie on your resume. Believe me, it will come back to haunt you.However, a slight enhancement of your skills might be acceptable but you had better be prepared to back it up.

Perhaps the best thing you can put on your resume are comments from other people, preferably past employers or supervisors, that say good things about you. For the lack of a better term, put them under the heading of What Others Say and make sure they are close to direct quotes and always include their title. Ask for them and you shall receive. Believe me, it really impresses people. Round your resume off with the usual personal and educational history and you are ready to mail your 750 personal letters to 750 CEO's. Most of them will be shifted down the ladder but that's a whole lot better than the alternative I have described and the numbers game is definitely in your favor.

While you're doing all this, earning what you used to consider small potatoes, you need to think about saving a little of it. I have written an award-winning cookbook (Cookbook of the Year) that will keep you from running to those fast food restaurants and bringing home expensive pre-prepared foods. It could drop your food bill as much as 50% so pay attention. Go to my website, http://www.ineedtocook.com and get started on a new career, cooking really delicious meals for very little money. It has an extensive cooking guide and 325 great recipes and as they say, knowledge is money, so give it a look.

College Student Jobs - What Are Some of the Top Paying On-Campus and Off-Campus Jobs For Students

It is your first month on campus and finally the excitement and euphoria of going to college has started to wear off which means you have come back down to reality. You need to start looking for a job not only to pay off your college loan but also to pay off your other monthly expenses that are there, but you are a little confused as to what job is the best one for you as far as flexibility and pay. We will take a look at a few of the top on-campus and off-campus jobs that are available.

One job that would be perfect for you, whether it is on campus or off campus is being a library assistant. Library assistants get paid between $11 and $13 an hour which is very good pay considering the things that you would be doing would be helping students and visitors get their books checked out, and showing other students how to operate the library computers and the copiers, and the job description would be basically the same foreign off-campus Library. The best part of this job is the flexibility of the work shift. Most college students will opt for the short hours of the night shift between 5 PM and 9 PM which are the usual closing times of most colleges. This is probably the best job out there for college students because you will work in an atmosphere that is very calm compared to the hustle and bustle of college life.

A great job for college students that are computer whizzes is being a computer support specialist. Most college students have a lot of experience in stalling computer applications and working their way through hardware problems, and this would basically be their role in this job. The pay here is very impressive as it usually averages between $19 and $23 an hour. The only catch here is that ours may be odd or very long so make sure before you apply that you get a set amount of hours in which you can work and also off hours that you can study in.

Another great niche job for students would be computer repair. It's highly likely that around 1% to 3% of college students know how to repair most problems in the computer but if you are one of those then it is a great job for you because it is not only flexible in its hours but it is also probably the best paying job that any college student can get. If someone calls you for repair job you usually don't have to be there until 24 hours after their call. This gives you plenty of time to get your study work done and get a good nights sleep. The pay here usually averages between $30 and $50 an hour. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that you don't have to work many hours a week to get a good pay from his job. In other words it is the top part time job for college person to have.

I really hope that this article will help to guide you to a good paying job and help make your semester a little less stressful. Good luck guys and gals.

Strategies on Handling Illegal Interview Questions

As part of my efforts to get myself from behind a desk, and out into the real world, I volunteer with a phenomenal local initiative that pairs local professionals and business owners with local schools, and builds students' knowledge of the career options available to them.

I speak to teens about resume and interview strategies, and occasionally hear of illegal questions that recruiters or interviewers pose during the interview. It would be my guess that employers refrain from posing these to more savvy recruits-those who have been "around the block" so to speak, or professionals who are well aware of legal vs. illegal questions. Having a strategy to deal with illegal questions is a good idea for everyone.

What is an illegal question?

Truth is, this differs according to country, and according to job requirements. To work in a bar, for example, a candidate must meet a minimum age requirement, meaning that it is not illegal to ask a candidate's age. Each job hunter must take the initiative to discover what the illegal questions are in his or her area.

How does one handle an illegal question?

But how does one deal with an illegal question. For example, if you are white-haired and clearly no longer claiming to be 39, and the interviewer asks your age, what are you to do? If the interview is going badly, and you are uninterested in the opportunity, you could simply confront the interviewer and say, "I believe that that question is illegal." However, if you would prefer not to burn your bridges (and that is almost always my recommendation), you need only to think of the concern behind the question to devise an appropriate answer. In this case, the concern is likely "I'm afraid that you won't be a reliable and healthy employee." Your answer might sound like this.

"Hmm...in asking my age, I am assuming that you might be worried that I will only stick around a few years, or that I may have health challenges. Let me assure you that I have many more years before retirement, I am very fit - in fact I work out three days a week and feel better now than I did as a 30-year old - and I am healthy - my doctor tells me at each annual that I am one of her healthiest patients - so yes, I am reliable and you'll have no special challenges with me."

That is actually my personal answer (and a visit to my website will confirm the white hair!), and obviously each person would have his or her own "health highlights" to share! You might refer to your exemplary attendance record or award, or you might share that your sick days are half of the company's average.

I would actually not finish the answer there. I urge interviewees to use the interview to their advantage, and add onto answers whenever possible. In the case above, I might add something like this: "In fact, at my current position, this is a typical day. First I ...." And then go on to position yourself as an energetic go-getter, working in examples that are, of course, relevant to the position you are interviewing for. You may choose to address a once-a-month challenging workload; another may quote a colleague who remarked on his stamina ("You're amazing; I swear you get more done in a day than me and I'm half your age."); and yet another may point to her weekly 40 km. bike rides.

More strategies

Here is another example. One young lady shared that she had been asked whether she has any children. Now this girl was very young, maybe 16, so the inquiry was questionable in its intent. I advised an answer along these lines.

"In asking that, I assume that you are really wondering whether I will be reliable and punctual and let me assure you yes. I am always on time for school, do not skip classes, am rarely sick ... in fact, one of my teachers recently said to me 'Tara, if all my students were as dedicated as you, I'd be a happy teacher.'" Tara could go on to add "Once I land my first part-time job, I am going to be the best employee. I know that that job will begin building my resume for the future, so I will take it very seriously."

What employer could resist that!?

In conclusion

Keep in mind the concern behind the question. Address that concern to position yourself as a perceptive communicator, and to maintain good "interview karma" by not burning bridges. Make good use of your answer by adding a little extra information to be ranked amongst the best candidates.

Stephanie Clark, a respected leader on the résume scene, is owner of New Leaf Resumes. Recipient of an unprecedented three awards for outstanding résumes in the Career Professionals of Canada 2008 Awards of Excellence, Stephanie's cover letters are included in Joyce Lain Kennedy's most recent release on Cover Letters. Stephanie's clients, serious about managing their careers, appreciate working with a leading professional.

Self Assessment - The Key to a Successful Job Search

When I was laid off in 1997 I was told by many to let everyone know I was starting a job search. I had been successful at my last job and was a star sales performer for many years. People who knew my history were eager to help me. But I knew something wasn't right about their advice.

Don't get me wrong I was certainly appreciative of my colleagues' willingness to help but they made the assumption I would be looking for work that was similar to the work I had done in the past. I wasn't so sure that was what I wanted. Still there was a gnawing feeling in me that I should jump at their offers and get back to work as quickly as possible.

There are three questions job seekers must ask themselves before they start to look for work. Without asking these questions they run the risk of being unhappy in the job they find, not finding the work they want or worse being fired from a job they were unsuited for.

First start with some self assessment questions like: What kind of work do I really want to do? It may be that you loved the work you were doing and do in fact want to return to that type of work. Others of you may have felt you had learned everything you could from that job and were ready to move on to a different experience. Still more of you may have disliked the job you had and were really ready for a change. What ever your situation now is a perfect time to make a correction in your career path or seek a change.

The second question to answer is: What are my skills, talents, values and qualities? This is a really important question for every job search. Thinking about this before your job search will enable you to put together a job search strategy that will be compelling. You will want to be sure that what you offer to an employer is exactly what is needed for the type of work you want.

Finally the third question you want to ask is: What are the trends I see in the marketplace today? No one wants to be in a dead end job or working for a company whose business is dying. That is exactly what happened to me. AT&T's business had changed dramatically by 1997. Every year there was another layoff because the long distance business was drying up. I could see that it wasn't a good place to be.

The majority of job seekers start in the middle of the job search process. If you've started your search by simply updating your resume and calling your network, back up a bit. By doing the necessary ground work of self assessment and research, you'll be in a better position to find a job that you will like, in a solid company and a growing industry.

Take action:

1. Make a list of your strengths, skills, and talents. Not sure what they are? Assessments can help. Sometimes assessments are valuable in helping you to identify where your strengths are. There are free ones available on the Internet. Another alternative is to have a coach give you an assessment and review the results with you.

2. Make a list of what you liked and what you hated about your job. Knowing that there will always be parts of your job that you prefer over other parts begin to make a list of activities you really enjoy, ones you like but aren't good at and ones you dislike but are good at. Decide on what is negotiable and what is not.

3. Check websites like the Bureau of Labor Statistics for trends in the industry or industries you are interested in. Check the websites of the companies you are interested in working for.

Job Search Tips For Success

This article offers three tips you can use to improve your chances of landing a new job. In today's competitive job market, it pays to learn as much as you can about conducting an effective job search campaign.

Job Search Tip 1: Know What You Want
You've heard the saying, "Failing to plan is planning to fail" and the same holds true for a job search. Many people are too general in their job search approach thinking that if they apply for every job out there, they'll eventually land something. While that may be true, you're better off targeting a specific type of job and/or industry. If you've got experience in that job or industry, then you're off to the races and you'll want to ensure that your resume positions you as an expert in your chosen field. If you don't then you'll want to address the type of position you're looking for in the objective statement on your resume.

Job Search Tip 2: Prepare a Targeted Professional Resume
Preparing a targeted professional resume is essential. I liken it to niche marketing. You're more likely to get called for interviews if you resume is targeted. This can be accomplished by inserting an objective statement into your resume or by creating a professional profile section at the start of your resume that describes the number of year's experience you have related to that type of work and industry; your educational background and achievements.

Job Search Tip 3: Diversify Your Job Search Methods
You need to diversify your job search methods. If you stick only to searching for jobs through online job boards, you'll be faced with a lot of competition. Try doing a google search on companies within your chosen industry and click on the company websites and check their careers section. They may have an advertisement on their website that does not appear on any job boards. Even if they don't have any advertised positions on their website, you can check to see if there are any names of executives or hiring managers on their website and email them directly with a polite request for an informational interview to discuss any future job possibilities. The point is that there are many ways to skin a cat so just make sure that you are not sticking to only one method of searching for a job.